Psychiatric treatment via telehealth for adults who want to stop feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and unworthy and start feeling calm, confident, and capable.
Have your doctor or therapist fax a referral to 607.327.5361“I always feel so much better when I see Sonya”
F.C.“Thanks to Sonya’s help, I am actually doing normal and good”
A.S.“Looking back at who I used to be – I’m blown away”
L.S.“I’m exercising more, doing more self care, creating space for myself when I need to recharge”
M.S.“I’ve been more aware of red flags, no longer getting too attached after the first date, and not putting all my worth into my dating life. I’m happy with my life”
S.B.“I’m now engaged, challenged, and I’m really enjoying what I’m doing. I’m in a really good place”
M.W.Are you are tired of feeling tired, sick of feeling like you’re taking up too much space, and done with being taken advantage of and comparing yourself to everyone else?
I help adults who struggle with drawing healthy boundaries and feeling resentful, people-pleasing and feeling exhausted, and comparing themselves to others and feeling unworthy.
Dr. Rafferty uses a combination of medication management for depression, anxiety, and adhd and therapeutic interventions to help adults feel more calm, confident, and capable of living a life they love.
Dr. Rafferty’s approach may be a good fit for you if you are looking, not just for medication, but for a challenging and supportive environment to learn more about yourself, your needs, and your strengths, and to take an active role in your own recovery.
“I’ve made so many positive changes. I feel like I’m not stagnant in my life any more and don’t have to live with all those pressing thoughts”
F.C.“I felt awful, I didn’t understand why things were happening, my personal life was in a tough place, I had a dire need for perfection. Now I feel centered, excited about the future, and curious about what’s possible”
C.J.“I was a hot mess and that’s a nice way to say it. I didn’t feel like a real grown-up, like I couldn’t do things other grown-ups could do. Like a failure. Unworthy. I felt very broken and crazy, like why can’t I be like everyone else? I didn’t want my daughter to struggle like that. I made the choice to see if treatment could work for me. I wanted to feel normal. Since working with Sonya I feel confident at home and at work, I believe in myself, I’m speaking my truth, I feel in control, I’m nicer to myself, I don’t think I’m crazy anymore. I think I’m a good mom. Sonya helped me realize that. It feels amazing, I want to keep going”
F.C.“Sonya has a wizard-like way”
I.R.“Sonya helped me get oars to steer my boat”
R.V.“I feel more calm instead of getting pissed off at everything”
D.R.“Sonya’s ‘sending love technique’ is probably the most helpful technique I’ver ever learned in my adult life”
L.D.“I now understand why people run past red flags, I’m finally figuring out who my people are”
L.K.“Sonya saved my life”
A.M.“thank you so much for this totally life changing mind-blowing stuff”
Dr. Sonya E. Rafferty, NPP, LMHC
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Dr. Sonya E. Rafferty, NPP, LMHC is a board certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. She earned her Bachelor of Art degree in Psychology from Fredonia State University in 2000 and her Master of Science in Counseling from the University at Albany. She enjoyed being a therapist for children, families, and adults in a community mental health clinic while she went back to school for nursing. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Elmira College, her Master of Science in Nursing from Stony Brook University, and her Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Columbia University in New York City.
Dr. Rafferty has a small private practice office in Ithaca, NY. She specializes in mental health treatment for adults using a well rounded approach that includes therapy, coaching, support systems, and medication management to help her clients achieve mental well being. Her approach to treatment can help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, mood swings, ADHD, and behavioral issues.
If this personalized approach and positive style of treatment seem like they might be a good fit for you, please ask your provider to fax a referral to 607.327.5361.
Whole Person
You are not just a mental health diagnosis. You are a whole person with many roles, dreams, challenges, successes, and goals. Dr. Rafferty believes that your whole self must be acknowledged and cared for in order to achieve a healthy state of being. She will never just give you medicine and send you on your way. She will take the time to get to know you and ensure your treatment reflects that.
Your Time
Ever go to a doctor’s office, wait an hour to be seen, and then get 5 minutes to rush through your list of concerns and questions? Dr. Rafferty offers a variety of appointment lengths to make sure that you have all the time you need to get full and well-rounded care.
Your health is of the utmost importance and Dr. Rafferty respects that. By working with you she will help you to develop a personalized treatment plan that is designed especially for you. She will help you to choose a treatment goal that is right for you and then help you every step of the way toward that goal.
Emergency Contact
Call 911 or immediately report to the nearest emergency department if you are experiencing a significant mental health crisis such as acute suicidality or homicidality, mania, decompensated psychosis, etc.
Please message Dr. Rafferty (or have a friend or family member message her) to let her know if you have either been hospitalized or seen in the emergency department for psychiatric reasons.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
Dr. Rafferty knows that connecting with a mental health provider can be a challenging endeavor. It is important that you feel there is a good fit between you and your provider. Dr. Rafferty is truly interested in getting to know you and will spend the right amount of time with you so you are heard.
An initial evaluation typically takes 60 minutes to complete, depending on your personal needs. The goal of this first evaluation is to offer the highest level of care possible and a full hour allows time for all of your mental health needs to be addressed and questions to be answered. Please be sure to schedule yourself enough time, including time to check your internet connection and get logged in to the telehealth waiting room.
Before the end of your first visit, Dr. Rafferty will determine whether you will benefit from further evaluation or begin treatment. In some cases, an additional visit may be necessary to complete the initial evaluation (such as for someone with an extensive psychiatric history or complicated presentation) as extra time may be needed to gather information from you, speak to your family or loved ones, review past medical records, or order any necessary lab work. If this is the case Dr. Rafferty will help you schedule time at a future date to complete the evaluation.
The initial evaluation is an opportunity for you to decide whether working with Dr. Rafferty will be a good fit for you. Dr. Rafferty does not prescribe medications until the initial evaluation is completed so please be sure that you have enough medication from your previous provider. If it turns out that you may benefit from treatment elsewhere you will be referred to an appropriate treatment center.
During the evaluation you will be asked questions about your current symptoms, your past psychiatric history, your medical history, and other relevant information. These questions may be personal and uncomfortable to talk about. Dr. Rafferty will make efforts to balance moving at your pace with obtaining all the necessary information to provide appropriate treatment.
If you have past medical or psychiatric records it may be helpful to send copies of laboratory or other test results. Please have contact information for previous psychiatrists or physicians and complete releases for collateral information with them so that Dr. Rafferty can contact them if needed.
Please bring a list of all current prescriptions with you to the first appointment so that Dr. Rafferty can be aware of all medications you are taking.
Fees and Policies
Dr. Rafferty accepts several insurances. Please contact your insurance company to be sure your services will be covered.
Dr. Rafferty is not a Medicare provider and her services are not eligible for reimbursement by Medicare.
Dr. Rafferty does not do evaluations or complete paperwork for Workers’ Compensation or Disability Benefits.
Payments are due at the time of scheduling via credit card or at the time of appointment via cash or check. A block of time is reserved for your appointment so if you need to cancel please provide 24 business hours of advance notice. If you do not cancel in less than 24 business hours or fail to appear for an appointment you will be charged a fee for the visit. Your insurance company is unlikely to reimburse for missed sessions. Consistent attendance at follow up appointments is important for safe medical care. Prescriptions are sent electronically to your preferred pharmacy during appointments. Medications are not ordinarily refilled over the telephone except in the case of an emergency. You will then receive a prescription valid for enough medication until your next appointment. You are encouraged to contact Dr. Rafferty (or the emergency department in case of emergency) if you are having any problems with medications. It is your responsibility to ensure you have an appointment scheduled before your medications run out. Dr. Rafferty does not accept automatic refill requests from pharmacies. This is to ensure your health and safety by always checking that the medication you are taking is the right one for you.
Each person is given a block of time. Dr. Rafferty does her best to be on time, but due to the personalized level of care given, at times may be up to 10 minutes late. Please be available for the full amount of time scheduled so that you are able to be seen in the rare times Dr. Rafferty is running late.
Telehealth Informed Consent Form
I [print client’s name] ________________________________ hereby consent to engaging in telemedicine via, or other electronic means with Dr. Sonya E. Rafferty, NPP, LMHC (provider) as part of my treatment. I understand that “telemedicine” includes the practice of health care delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of medical data, and education using interactive audio, video, or data communications. I understand that telemedicine also involves the communication of my personal medical/mental health information, both orally and visually, through electronic means, to health care practitioners located in New York State or outside of New York State.
I understand that I have the following rights with respect to telemedicine:
(1) I have the right to withhold or withdraw consent at any time without affecting my right to future care or treatment. Should I do so, I will not risk the loss or withdrawal of treatment benefits to which I would otherwise be entitled.
(2) The laws that protect the confidentiality of my medical information also apply to telemedicine. As such, I understand that the information disclosed by me during the course of my therapy is generally confidential. However, there are both mandatory and permissive exceptions to confidentiality, including, but not limited to: reporting child, elder, and dependent adult abuse; expressed threats of violence towards an ascertainable victim; and where I make my mental or emotional state an issue in a legal proceeding. I also understand that the dissemination of any personally identifiable images or information from the telemedicine interaction to any other entities shall not occur without my written consent.
(3) I understand that I may benefit from telemedicine, but that results cannot be guaranteed or assured.
(4) I understand that I have a right to access my mental health information and copies of my mental health records in accordance with New York State law.
(5) I also understand that there are inherent risks and consequences from telemedicine, including, but not limited to, the possibility, despite reasonable efforts on the part of my provider, that: the transmission of my medical information could be disrupted or distorted by technical failures; the transmission of my medical information or treatment could be interrupted or accessed by unauthorized persons; and/or the electronic storage of my medical information could be accessed by unauthorized persons.
(6) I understand that telemedicine based services and care may not be as complete as in-office services in some instances. I understand that if my provider believes I would be better served by another form of mental health services (e.g. in-office services), I will be referred to in-office services when or as needed.
(7) I agree that if I am feeling suicidal, homicidal, or otherwise experiencing a mental health crisis I will call 911, present to the nearest hospital emergency department, or contact the suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255).
(8) I understand that I am responsible to check with my state and with my insurance provider before engaging in telehealth services to be certain that services provided by Sonya Rafferty, NYS license #401492 will be approved and covered. I agree that I am responsible for all fees associated with these telehealth services.
(9) I understand that there are potential risks and benefits associated with any form of mental health treatment, and that despite my efforts and the efforts of my provider, my condition may not immediately improve, and in some cases may even decline. I have read and understand the information provided above. I have discussed any and all of my current questions with my provider and they have been answered to my satisfaction.
(10) Finally, I understand that these visits are professional appointments and I am to present to these appointments as I would in person, including but not limited to, arriving on time fully dressed and ready to participate, not partaking in alcohol, nicotine, or substance use during the session, and joining from a stable and safe location (not while driving, in bed, or in a public location).
__________________________________________ ______________
Signature of client/parent/guardian/conservator Date
__________________________________________ ______________
If signed by other than client indicate relationship Date
Please have your provider fax a referral to Dr. Rafferty at 607.327.5361.